Monday, August 07, 2006

Never Lose Your Value

A speaker is speaking to a large crowd of about 1000 students. He looked at them and pulled out a $50 dollars bill. He asked the crowd, "who wants this $50 bill?". Almost everyone raise their hands.

He suddenly crush the bill and crumble it. He showed the untidy $50 bill and asked again "who wants the dollar bill?" Again, everyone raise their hands.

He then put it on the floor and step on it. In fact, he jumped on it creating a blank stare in the crowd. He picked up the bill and asked for the third time "who still wants the bill?"

Not surprised, everyone raised their hands. He then asked, "Why, dispite i crumble it and step on that bill do you still want that $50 bill?"

Someone in the crowd shouted "No matter what, $50 is still $50."

The speaker smiled and said " Yes, the bill will not lose its value dispite being crumbled and step on. You too, should not lose your value when you are down because your true value will always be your true value no matter what adversities you face."

He did give the $50 away to a student, but before he did, he said "Life will not give you what you want unless you take the effort to collect it yourself. Life can give you everything you asked for BUT will never come to you."

A student finally realize its meaning and rush down to the stage to collect his rewards.

When you asked someone if they want to be rich, they will raise their hands to signal the desire. But when asked what effort did he take to attain it, he just sit there looking at you.



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